澳博体育app下载 Helping Lead Improvements in Lithium-Ion Handling

澳博体育app下载 Helping Lead Improvements in Lithium-Ion Handling

Flipping a Tesla Model S to access batteries from the undercarriage.

大火肆虐毛伊岛历史名城拉海纳四个月以来, government crews, local experts, and 澳博体育app下载 employees have been working on the cleanup process, 最重要的是锂离子电池和其他有害物质的处理(HAZMAT).

“HAZMAT is being shipped in sealed drums, and we’ve already moved five of the tentative thirteen, 40-ft containers of above-ground materials, such as paint, oils, insecticides, etc., to the mainland,” said Buzz Fernandez, district manager, Maui. “集装箱从Kahului运往塔科马,澳博体育app正在与当地的废物管理服务提供商合作处理过程.

“There’s still a lot of work to do,” added Fernandez. “澳博体育app有四个开顶容器被清洁组织用来收集锂离子电池和各种其他电池.”

处理锂离子电动和混合动力澳博体育app下载电池的问题很快成为环保局的首要任务. 除了近300个住宅电池储能系统外,还有近100辆电动或混合动力澳博体育app下载在火灾中被毁, which are used to store excess solar energy.

Energized batteries can potentially catch fire and go into “thermal runaway,” where the battery cells short-circuit and become incredibly hot, creating a fire that is difficult to extinguish.

Electrician with a fully energized 346-volt Ford Lightning battery. The battery was removed from the vehicle for disassembly.

“这是第一次在澳博体育app的任务中专门提出应对自然灾害的锂离子电池,” said Eric Nuchims, deputy incident commander for the EPA’s Maui Wildfire Response, in a statement to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

取出的电池的移除和运输由熟悉澳博体育app下载制造商的训练有素的危险品应急人员团队完成, models, and mechanical and battery technology.

Greg Jenkins, 澳博体育app危险品专家,毛伊岛消防局危险品反应小组的退休队长, 被要求与环境保护局现场小组一起管理有害物质的清理. 作为一名主题专家,格雷格在环保署的工作是制定处理危险物质运输的程序,特别是锂离子电池.


“Understanding the potential danger inherent in these materials, 如果没有安全运输的保证,澳博体育app是不会同意用澳博体育app的船只运输的,” said Jenkins.

认识到需要更好地了解锂离子电池的工作原理以及电池损坏的风险, 格雷格与环保署团队一起进行了各种实验,以确定消除火灾风险的过程. 他们发现,在用重型设备将它们粉碎之前,将它们放入去动力的盐水/盐溶液中,可以使它们安全地运输到岛外的回收设施.


目前在毛伊岛进行的这项工作可能会导致未来有关锂离子电池处理和运输的规定发生变化. “What we’re learning will benefit the entire shipping industry,” stated Jenkins. “这一事件使澳博体育app能够了解锂离子电池在不同状态下的行为, whereas before it was all theoretical.

“We’re dealing with things that have never been done before. Because we’re in a disaster setting, 环境保护署已经能够以更及时的方式采取对环境审慎和安全的措施, 这在非灾难环境中要困难得多,成本也高得多. So, in a sense, 澳博体育app已经得到了万能钥匙来获得解决锂离子渲染安全程序所需的访问权限和资源.

“联邦政府现在非常关注如何处理锂离子电池,”詹金斯继续说道. “该团队一直在研究的关于锂离子电池减排的EPA简报,已经向整个指挥系统一直通报到白宫. But in many ways, 他们将期待澳博体育app的行业开发更多更好的锂离子运输安全程序. Regulations aren’t enough anymore. 澳博体育app这个行业需要超越法规,并确定哪些是未来的最佳实践.”

澳博体育app下载 has been at the forefront of this movement, having already been developing tools to eliminate or reduce lithium-ion fire risk, 包括增加滚装船上电动或混合动力车辆的间距,以及改进消防技术和设备, 例如增加新的防火毯,可以立即隔离有毒气体和烟雾, and the Viking HydroPen, a firefighting tool designed to extinguish container fires from the inside. 澳博体育app正在努力追求更好的科学,这将进一步改善澳博体育app对新旧锂离子电池的接受程序, increasing the margin of safety for 澳博体育app下载 personnel and vessel crews.

“另一个好处可能来自新法规的制定和更好的安全标准,这可能会节省与澳博体育app下载的保险费相关的成本,” added Jenkins. “When the risk is reduced, premium costs drop or at least don’t rise, 这意味着澳博体育app可以避免最终需要转嫁给澳博体育app的更高成本.”

Dylindrical batteries lay on the ground ready to be crushed by a roller.
Using a drum roller to crush cylindrical batteries in preparation for disposal.

Reflecting on the past months on Maui, Jenkins said. “The EPA specialists have been great to work with, and I’ve appreciated both their attitude and expertise. It’s not always easy working with huge teams as warranted by this situation, 但是每个人都表现出了最大的专业精神,澳博体育app能够在短时间内完成很多事情. Formalities are set aside because we’re all working towards a common goal.

詹金斯说:“在这个过程中工作是一次非常了不起的经历. “从一开始就实时处理危机,你每天都能看到事态的发展. It’s exciting work.”